黎族打柴舞 - 海南省非物质文化遗产展


Li Dachai Dance

黎族打柴舞——海南黎族人民在丧葬活动中的舞蹈, 源于古代的丧葬活动,学界也有人列其为“护尸舞”的一种。主要流传于海南岛中南部黎族聚居地区。




Dachai Dance originated from ancient funeral customs of the Li minority and is thus regarded as a kind of corpse-guarding dance by some scholars. 

In this dance, several long wooden sticks are arranged in a simple grid-like pattern. While sticks are knocked against each other in a changing pattern, dancers jump accordingly with nimble steps between the space of moving sticks. The steps are mainly inspired by the movements of frogs, deer, monkeys and crows.