琼剧 - 海南省非物质文化遗产展


Hainan Opera

琼剧——以海南方言和海南传统剧调表演的一种戏剧,是海南地方大戏剧种,旧时俗称“土戏”,兴起于海南,远播广东、广西部分地区和东南亚各国,主要流传于海南海口等地。 琼剧音乐为板腔曲牌变化体,主要板腔有中板、叠板、数字板、苦叹哭板、高腔、教子腔、太和腔、争辩腔、古腔、陈诉腔、乞食腔、江浪腔、五更腔杂调、曲牌等。行当有生、旦、净、末、丑。




Hainan Opera is a major local drama performed in Hainan dialect and traditional tunes. It is popular not only in Hainan, but also in Guangdong, Guangxi and even Southeast Asia.

As a special variety of vocal music, Hainan Opera has developed a rich and distinctive collection of singing techniques for all roles.

By integrating literature, music, dance and fine arts, Hainan Opera proves to be a vast pool of local traditional cultures and enjoys high artistic values.